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Victoria PS, Carrickfergus

Sports Day - Important Info for Parents

29th May 2024
Dear Parents / Carers,

As you will be aware, sports day is taking place on Wednesday 5th June.  Information has already been sent out to parents / carers via SeeSaw.  However, if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact your child's class teacher or the school office.

Each year, I take time to remind parents / carers of the important safeguarding role we, as school staff, have for all the children in school.  Safeguarding and Child Protection is something that we all take very seriously.  This includes on Sports Day.

Sports Day is a really busy day with a huge number of visitors coming on to the school grounds.  We must insist on parents / carers following the points outlined below when attending on sports day:

1)  Parents / carers MUST stay behind all the areas that are cordoned off with rope / bunting.
2)  Under no circumstances should parents / carers cross over this cordon.
3)  Parents / carers must not call children away from their classes / teachers at any point.
4)  Parents / carers must not pass any food / drinks etc over the cordon to their children.
5)  If your child is upset, maybe after a fall or maybe after not doing as well in a race as expected, please let us look after them.  If we need you, we will come and get you.

Please help us ensure that sports day is a really great day for all involved by following the above points. 


Mr F.