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Victoria PS, Carrickfergus

Youth Governors

Welcome to the Youth Governor page of our school website.  Our Youth Governors (YG) play a vital role in every day life here at school.  Our YG Panel is made up of children from Primary 4 to Primary 7.

The YGs are here to help Mr Fulton, the Principal, to make decision to continue to make our school a better place for all the children.  Each year, the YGs meet with Mr Fulton to discuss the actions they would like to work on this year.  This year's actions are as follows:

Action 1

We think that our water fountains in school could do with being upgraded.  It would also be beneficial if we could have a second water fountain installed.

Action 2

We would like to implement recognition boards in our outside playgrounds.  This will allow members of staff on the playground during break and lunch to record the nice things that happen between our pupils each day for all to see.


